How to Care for Your Chrysanthemums

Take your plants out of the packaging as soon as possible.

Plant them in a small pot or allow them to remain in their ‘ellepot’ but place them in a shady area and water them. You will want to harden off your cuttings for 3-4 days in the same way you would any other plant you purchase from a greenhouse. Protect them from extreme weather and direct sunlight. They will need a few days to adjust to your climate and direct sunlight. 

Pick a sunny spot to plant your cuttings

Once adjusted to your area and life outside, pick a sunny spot to plant your cuttings. You will get the best flower production with full sun, but they do grow with some shade. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart if planting in the ground. 

Plants should be pinched back to encourage branching

The plants can be cut back as late as the first week of July. We recommend cutting back several times for increased stem counts.  Some varieties grow very tall so supports such as stakes or netting may be necessary to support the weight of the plants. 

Chrysanthemums can be harvested at any point in the blooming process.

But we recommend harvesting when the bloom is mostly open. 

Depending on your USDA zone you may need to protect your blooms from frost damage in the fall.

This can be achieved by placing a frost cloth over the plants each night.  To protect the plants during winter we suggest cutting the plant back and then mulching heavily with leaves. In very cold regions you may want to dig them up and store them in a pot in a protected area such as a garage or greenhouse.

Our Guarantee

Guaranteeing the delivery of perfect plants every time is the goal, unfortunately it’s not a realistic promise with live plants.

All of our cuttings are thoroughly inspected for quality before leaving our nursery, but things can happen, especially when shipping a living plant.

We offer refunds or replacements within 4 days of receiving your order. Please note that in the event we do not have the exact variety to replace, we will substitute with the closest available variety. We are not able to replace or refund your order after 4 days from delivery.

Thanks for your understanding.