The Heritage Mums

Full Collection

We are proud stewards of the entire Heritage Mum collection, including the renowned Lehman chrysanthemum stock, almost 80 years old. We’ve just taken ownership of the stock, and as we care for them in the way to best ensure longevity of the plants, we will only be releasing varieties on a limited basis for now. To ensure that you are the first to know about our mum drops in the future and get access to new varieties, be sure to join our newsletter.

Adorable * Autumn Beauty * Autumn Delight * Autumn Fire * Autumn Sunset * Baby Tears * Bell O’ the Ball * Betty Lou Bristol White * Bronze Giant * Brown Eyes * Cameo * Carrousel * Centennial Sun * Centerpiece * Cheerleader * Coral Daisy * Debutant * Dolliette * Dorothy Degn * Fancy Free * French Vanilla * Gold Country * Gold Mound * Gold Strike * Golden Star * Grape Glow * Grandchild * Happy Face * High Regards * Homecoming * Ice Crystal * Irish Linen Lantern Glow * Lemonsota * Lipstick * littel Rascal * Maroon Pride * Matchsticks * Mellow Moon * Micky * Minnautumn * Minngopher * Minnpink * Minnqueen * Minnruby * Minnyellow * Muted Sunshine * Pancho * Pat Lehman * Peach Centerpiece * Pilgrim * Pink Cadillac * Pink Daisy * Pink Pagoda * Poise * Powder River * Prairie Sun * Prom King * Purple Pride * Purple Waters * Quarterback * Raspberry Festival * Rebecca Walker * Red Carrousel * Red Daisy * Red Headliner * Rose Blush * Rose Grenadine * Rosy Glow * Ruby Mound * St. Tropez * Sashay * Sea Urchin * Sequin Centennial Sun * Shock * Small Wonder * Snowscape * Snowsota * Spotless * Stadium Queen * Starlet * Sun Spider * Sunny Morning * Talisman * Tangelo * Torchsong * Touchdown * Wayzata * White Daisy * White Grandchild * Yellow Daisy * Yellow Giant * Yellow Quill * Zonta